In Waganda-Review of places around the world posted by users-Honest reviews from real users, aiming for 0% advertising reviews-Small events and discount information at partner locations in Waganda-Easily share your own places, where your friends have gone anywhere in the worldWhere shall we leave today?-Recommended curation of cafes, cultural life, restaurants-Hipspots suggested by Wanda according to the conceptAugmented Reality (AR) Mode-I will show you the recommended places near you with AR!#Map mode-Your current location and nearby places on the map#List mode-List of recommended places curated directly in Waganda-Location list based on user location#Recommended spot-Personalized recommendations through filters such as places curated by topic, distance, and rating-Recommended places with a rating of 4.0 or higher by region-Recommended places directly from Waganda by keyword-Editors recommendation for places by region and category